Graduation is zooming toward us at lightning speed. We still have a LOT of senior year milestone memories to get through. But it’s a good idea to go ahead and get your graduation mini-session scheduled. Those are great images to use for announcements and making mom tear up. Check out these seven tips for grad portraits, to help you plan that mini-session.

Tips for Grad Portraits
Your senior portraits are a unique visual representation of your story and your interests. There’s no reason why your graduation portraits can’t do the same! Everyone in your class will be wearing the same cap and gown, but check out this list of ideas for ways you can personalize your portraits to truly tell your story.
1. Choose the Best Outfit
Why does it matter what you wear under your graduation gown anyway? Well…some of the most fun portraits are the ones where you unzip your gown after the official ceremony to show off your unique style. You could choose something that calls out to the color of your gown. You could go with the classic little white dress (which contrasts nicely with dark grad gowns). The main things to remember:
- Make sure your skirt is shorter than the cut of your graduation gown. A stripe of dress hanging below your gown will be a distraction.
- Guys, you can’t go wrong with classic dress pants, tie and a black or white shirt.

2. Shout out your college intentions
High school graduation is a definite transition. You’re getting ready to head off to college! So call that out in your grad portraits. Here’s some great ideas for how to do that:
- Wear your college T-shirt under your gown.
- Hold up your college pennant or acceptance letter.
- Got a stuffed college mascot (or a lawn ornament – lol)? Bring it along.

3. Bring Your Family!
These memories are special for you – it’s your senior year, after all! But they are important moments for your family, too. Bring along your mom, dad and siblings to your grad portrait session to capture those memories.

4. Showcase your Interests and Achievements
What extracurricular activities drew your attention in high school? Let’s show those off during your grad mini-session. Are you the salutatorian? Valedictorian? Let’s highlight that achievement, for sure.

5. Highlight Your Sports Career
Football games and volleyball matches have been a huge part of the fabric of your high school memories. We won’t want to forget those images – so bring your jersey and a ball and we’ll capture portraits that truly reflect your high school story.

6. Give a Nod to Your History
My favorite portraits are the ones that show a then-and-now look at my graduates’ history. I love recreating the kindergarten graduation portraits. If there’s something special from your early elementary years you’d like to call out, let’s do it! Maybe there’s a special portrait of a grandparent who can’t be with you at graduation that you’d like to show off in one of your portraits. Your history is part of you, so let’s capture it!

7. Just Have Fun!
Your graduation portrait mini-session will, above all other things, be a lot of FUN! So bring your smile, and be ready! I love these sessions so much, and you will, too!

Are you ready for your portrait session?
If your school hasn’t already contacted you about official graduation mini-portraits, click the button below and I will help you get started! Drop a comment below and tell me what your favorite tip is!
I’m Ready to Book a Grad Mini-Session!
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