
Four Things Seniors Should Do Before Graduation

Hey, #classof22 – here we go! We’re in the home stretch now. You will be amazed at how quickly this semester flies by. You’re going to wake up sometime in June and think, “Where did all this time go?!” So I want you to stop for just a couple of minutes, and consider these four things seniors should do before graduation:

Things Seniors Should Do Before Graduation…The LIST

1. Be Present

Be present in the moments – don’t be so ready to arrive at your destination that you forget to enjoy the journey.⠀It’s easy to get caught up in that case of senior-itis you’ve got and focus on getting finished and getting to college. You’ve been waiting to get out of high school forever, amiright? But these are some of the most special times of your life, and you’re going to want to enjoy them. Trust me.

Seniors Before Graduation Cap and Gown Family

2. Capture those memories!

Grab a selfie with your bestie. Make sure you take some photos with your team. Jot down a note in your phone that includes some of those funny things your classmates said. I know it’s hard to think past next Friday night, but twenty years from now you will be glad you recorded those moments.

Jupiter High School Graduation Senior Portraits Lacrosse Football Cap and Gown Guys on the Field

3. Schedule a mini-grad #portraitsession !

Especially if your actual graduation ceremonies are at a different location than your school, let’s take a few minutes to grab some story session images around the campus you attended. By your locker, at the picnic table where the seniors grabbed lunch, out on the football field where you practiced. These are the memories you’ll want to keep.

4. Record some college goals.

Write down some goals for college. Keep your list in a place that you refer back to each spring, so you can see how far you’ve come, and how much you’ve accomplished.⠀

Four Things Seniors Should Do Before College…And One More:

And seniors…be amazing!⠀

Want some help ticking some of these things off your pre-graduation list? Click that button below and let’s plan your graduation portrait mini-session, or put together an album that commemorates all those selfies with your bestie. Let me help you tell your story!

Let’s Tell Your Story!