Mike had only one direction for me in planning his senior portrait session. He said, “I want them to be different from everyone else’s.” So I put on my thinking cap and came up with some ideas for football senior pictures.

Ideas for Football Senior Pictures
Most of Mike’s teammates had hung around the school and on-campus practice field for their story sessions. So the first idea we had was to go off campus. We had a blast searching out interesting locations for unique football senior portraits.

Football Stories
I have a confession. I love high school football! Love the Friday night lights, and the rivalries. I know every cheer, and by the second game, I can match pretty much all of the jersey numbers to a player. These players have some of my favorite senior stories!

Football Senior Stories
I loved Mike’s story, and we had a lot of fun thinking outside the box for ways to make his portrait session unique. Everyone on the team has the same uniform. They all play on the same field. So mixing that up to make his portraits totally and completely personalized was a lot of fun. I especially liked the sidewalk overpass chain-link fence. So super cool!

Personalized Portraits
How will we personalize your unique session? Click that button below and let’s get started planning!
Contact Traci for a Unique Senior Portrait Session

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