
What Defines Your Style?

What defines your style? Sometimes it’s the small things that call to you, that reach out and grab you and say, “That’s me!”

There are a couple of things that I am rarely without: my Canon camera and a pair of Converse sneakers. A couple of years ago a friend from church dressed up as me for Halloween (it was a pretty scary idea) and showed up toting a camera and a brand-new pair of Chucks. I guess it’s safe to say that my “look” is pretty well established.

Canon Cameras

The first camera I owned outright, that was all mine, was a Canon Rebel. My parents purchased it in my senior year of college when I signed up for an introductory photography course. The day I graduated, as I snapped photos at my celebration lunch, Daddy grinned, gestured at the camera and said, “Hope you like your graduation present.”

Boy, did I!

I’ve upgraded a few times over the years, but I always go for Canon. Some photographers will argue vehemently the Canon vs. Nikon (or Sony) debate. I’ve worked with both Canon and Nikon, and I prefer the Canon system (probably because it’s the system I learned on), but it works for me, and I love my Canon camera.

Converse Sneakers

I also love my Converse tennis shoes! Every pair in my collection. I’m not sure when I first discovered my love for these cute canvas babies, but once I found them I started collecting (and so did my girls).

There’s a Converse outlet a little south of us, and it’s a dangerous place to visit. Because, you know, the BOGO thing. Buy one-get one half off? So I come out with a pair for each of the kids, and then two for me. Because you have to buy them in multiples of two, if the second is half-off, amIright?

What Defines Your Style?

So those are two of the things that sort of define my style. Two things that people look at and say, “That’s so Traci.”

Not too long ago, I went out with my new friend Christine for a mini-session, and while it was a little bit strange to be on the other side of the camera I absolutely loved the images she captured. The photo of me on the beach with a camera in hand, Chucks in the sand, is probably my most favorite photo of myself ever. Because it is so. very. me.

What defines your style? Can you name something that completely and totally screams “This is me!”? I’d love to hear about it. Hit the comments below and let me know!